Hudson Park Primary School values are Harmony, Persistence and Success.
Welcome to Hudson Park Primary School
Hudson Park Primary School is a vibrant learning community where students work in a mutually rewarding partnership with staff, caregivers and the wider community. Our purpose is to encourage and empower all students to become cooperative and independent learners in a positive environment that promotes respect for self and others.
All students in our school achieve the highest standard of learning possible so that they are equipped to deal effectively with the opportunities and challenges they encounter in the changing world. They are enthusiastic about learning within a safe and supportive learning environment.
Motivated and capable staff feel valued and supported in their work. They work in collaborative teams to ensure that the learning programme is innovative and student centred. Staff use flexible approaches that motivate, engage, challenge and respond to the needs of all students. Individual expertise will be recognised and shared.
The school community is a valued partner in our school. It is supportive, aware and actively participates in learning and decision-making. Together we practice values that are applied appropriately in a variety of situations.
The values that underpin our decision making processes at Hudson Park Primary School are Harmony, Persistence and Success.

We develop inspiring learning environments, within a collaborative community, where students have a strong sense of belonging and strive for their personal best.